Anchorage, Alaska

30 July 2005

Not much to report today. We all needed a rest and Sam was not feeling well so we decided not to do any sightseeing. After lunch we went our separate ways and just walked around Anchorage for a few hours. There is a Saturday and Sunday Market downtown and we wound up going through there. We expected native crafts and Alaska vegetables, but found that it was nothing more than a flea market. Still, it was interesting to walk through.
Wendler Building, the first permanent building in Anchorage.
The start of the Iditarod Dogsled Race. The Iditarod is a 1100 mile race across interior Alaska to Nome. It commemorates a dogsled relay to bring medicine to combat a Diptheria epidemic in Nome in the 1920s.

Other Fish Species Discovered in Anchorage

Shell Fish... we probably did not have to tell you the name
Fish and Chips
Hidden Halibut
Anyone ever see a blue moose before?