Summer 2009

Myrtle Beach, SC

27 June 2009

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Photographs and Commentary
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Another exciting day at the beach. We followed the same schedule as yesterday... two hours of beach time, lunch and a few more hours of beach time. One can get used to this. It was another hot day with the Heat Index in the mid 90s. Even with the sea breeze at the beach, it felt hot. I can kid around about getting used to this but that would not be a good idea, especially in the opinion of our dermatologist. We cover ourselves with SPF 50 lotion and stay under the umbrella. Even with the clouds that started moving in this afternoon, there were enough UV rays getting through to your skin.

The National Weather Service has issued a Severe Thunderstorm Watch for the coastal area of South Carolina until 11pm. At 4:30 pm a line of storms went through the Myrtle Beach area but none of the cells seemed to hit the campground area. I was hoping that any other storms would miss the campground, but that was not to be. We were on the final leg of our post dinner walk when we could see the black clouds in the west and could hear the rumble of thunder. The storm hit us about 8pm and we can still see lightning and hear the thunder as I write this at 8:45. I guess it was more than one storm that came through. Unlike last night, the wind was not a major factor. If the National Weather Service is correct in their forecast, we still have another 2 hours before the watch expires... maybe we won't see any more storms tonight.

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