Summer 2009

New Orleans

2 June 2009

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Photographs and Commentary
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The best laid plans... We spent the morning on such mundane task as doing our laundry. Susie booked a Swamp Boat tour with an operator that was scheduled to pick us up at the RV Park before noon and would have gotten us back by 3PM. We waited at the RV Park office and finally contacted the operator around 12:15 to find out that we were booked on a later tour. We could not go on a later tour because we are meeting friends for dinner tonight and would not be back on time. It really doesn't matter who messed up on the reservation, we would not be going on a Swamp tour. So be it... now we have another reason to come back to New Orleans. At any rate, the weather closed in on us this afternoon with a series of thunderstorms. In all likelihood, the Swamp Boat tour may have been cancelled by the tour operator

As mentioned above, we went to dinner at K Paul's in the French Quarter with a Liberty Mutual friend, Tony Spencer, and his wife, Phyllis. We had a great evening and hope that they can visit us in New York so we can show them our home town.

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