Summer 2011

Cheyenne, WY

10 July 2011

Town Information

Local Map

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Photographs and Commentary
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I didn't feel particularly well this morning and neither did Susie so we deferred going into the downtown area of Cheyenne until after lunch. The old downtown, like many downtowns in this country, is struggling. It is a shame because there are a number of beautiful buildings dating back to the late 1800s and early 1900s. Some of these buildings have been renovated and are in use.

The focal point of the downtown area is the old Union Pacific Railroad Depot. The depot has been restored and part of it now functions as a museum. One of the fundraising projects for the Museum is called "These Boots are made for Talking" and involved 8 foot high boots decorated by various artists. Five of these boots grace the Cheyenne Depot Plaza. The Union Pacific rail yard is adjacent to the Depot and is a very active yard, even on a Sunday.

Unfortunately for us, it is a Sunday and a lot of places were closed. We had considered taking a "Trolley Tour" but I learned it was fully booked up for today. On the other end of Capitol Avenue from the depot is the Wyoming State Capitol, but neither of us was in the mood to walk that far and limited our walking to a few blocks near the Depot. I guess if we had felt better, we would have seen a lot more of the city. You never know, we may be back.


Some of you know that I love old buildings. The area around the Cheyenne Depot has many that are well over 100 years old. These are some of the examples.

Cheyenne Depot (Museum)

View up Capitol Avenue from the Cheyenne Depot

Two views of Lincolnway, also known as US 30. US 30, The Lincoln Highway was the first "Interstate" Highway and went through many towns in the northern part of the United States. All of the buildings below are on the blocks shown in this picture.

These Boots are made for Talking

Some of the boots on display around Cheyenne. These are all in the vicinity of the Cheyenne Depot

Milestones: Chamber 100th Anniversary

Don't Feed the Animals

Downtown Cheyenne

Governors of Wyoming
(Each diamond contains the name of a Governor)

Susie next to the Governors boot provides a frame of reference for size


Where the Deer and the Antelope Play (note what they are playing)

The horse, located in the Cheyenne Depot Plaza is made out of tool, machine parts and other similar objects (see detail at right). The tail is made out of nails.

This sign makes a political statement

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