Summer 2011

Victor, ID/Jackson, WY

19 June 2011

Victor Information Jackson Information
Grand Teton NP Information

Local Map

Click on pinpoints for local information

Photographs and Commentary
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Our plan for today was to go across the Teton Pass to the Grand Teton National Park. Our plan did not include the rain which started coming down pretty hard last night. When we got up this morning, it was still raining and the clouds were only about 600 feet over our heads. It didn't seem like going sightseeing at the National Park was such a good idea. So we went to plan B and will try to get to the park tomorrow morning when the weather is supposed to be better.

We spent the morning doing housekeeping chores that did not require us to be outdoors. These are the things you do at home on a regular interval, like cleaning, vacuuming, etc. Not very exciting, but necessary.

After lunch, the clouds seemed to be lifting so we decided to drive over the pass to Jackson, WY and walk around the town. I decided not to take my camera figuring that I wouldn't be doing much photography in the rain... a mistake I shall not repeat. No sooner did we start out it started raining lightly. As we proceeded up the pass the clouds closed in on us at about 7,000 feet and reduced the visibility to less the 1/4 mile. As we topped the Teton Pass, it was like moving from one climate to the another. Jackson Hole was only partly cloudy compared to what we just left. By the time we parked the truck it was mostly sunny. We walked around the town looking into some of the shops and doing some shopping. We had a few showers that seemed to last for only a few seconds. It was just great walking around the town.

After a few hours of walking, we decided to head back to Victor. As we started west, you could see the approach to the Teton Pass and the clouds seemed to be nestled right in the pass. Driving out of Jackson we had a nice view of the Tetons with their heads in the clouds. As we started to approach the pass, the clouds started closing in and the rain started up again. As we approached Victor, the rain came down hard and it was like that when we arrived at the RV Park. Now, an hour or so after we got back, the rain has let up and the sun is trying to peek through the clouds... I hope it is a good omen for tomorrow. The difference in weather conditions between Victor and Jackson is amazing to us considering that the straight line distance between the two town is about 20 miles (over 30 by road). I guess Jackson is on the sunny side of the mountains.

Jackson Scenes

All pictures by Susie

Stagecoach stop by town park

Similar arches made of antlers are found at each corner entrance of the park

Law firm in log building

This reminded Susie of the TV show, "Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman"

Painted Bull in front of hotel by that name


Singleplex Theater

View going west out of Jackson

Teton Pass is to the left of the mountain on the right

Some local Art

I call this "Two Geniuses"

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