Summer 2010 Part II

Lake George to Montreal, QC

142 Miles/227 Km

20 August 2010

Route Map

Destination Map

Photographs and Commentary
Click on picture to enlarge

A beautiful day for a ride in the Adirondack Mountains... sunny with temperatures in the 70s. We took our time getting out of Lake George because our destination is less than three hours away. The only question about travel time is Canadian Customs at the Champlain, NY crossing. We were told that the line was huge last Friday and were concerned that we would have a major delay. Our fears were unfounded as there were four lanes open and about four cars in each lane. We got lucky and had one of the friendliest agents I have come across on either side of the US-Canadian border and the result was swift entry into Canada.

The Montreal South KOA is about 25 miles from the border crossing and about 20 miles from downtown Montreal. The RV Park is very level with large pull through sites so we were set up in no time. We decided to have lunch and relax for a couple of hours before heading into Montreal to meet my oldest friend and his family. Visiting with them was the main reason for coming to Montreal. We have not been since 2003 and have been talking about coming up for years and always something kept the visit from happening. We drove in to town using the Pont Mercier (southernmost bridge to the Island of Montreal) because we were told that the Champlain Bridge was backed up with construction. There was construction on our route as well but it didn't hold us up at all. We were happy that we were not coming off the island on the Pont Mercier because traffic was backed up from well beyond the bridge to Autoroute 15, about 6 miles. Fortunately, when we headed home at night, there was almost no traffic.

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