Summer 2010 Part II

Montreal, QC

21 August 2010

Town Information

Local Map

Photographs and Commentary
Click on picture to enlarge

The plan for today was to go into Montreal this afternoon and meet my friend to go sightseeing, and hopefully have some pictures to post. We didn't consult the weather forecasters when we made our plans... it rained on and off all day.

Despite the weather we did do some sightseeing but the conditions were not conducive to photography. We have been to Montreal many times in the past and have never gone to the west end of the Island. My friend took us along the St Lawrence river past the Lachine Canal (predecessor to the St Lawrence Seaway) and through the towns of Lachine, Dorval, Pointe Claire, Beaconsfield (former home of our son in law), Saint Ann de Bellevue and Senneville (which occupies the west end of the island) before heading back towards the City of Montreal. This area has many beautiful homes along the shore and Susie and I plan on coming back here in better weather so that we can explore the area in a less hurried manner. After a drive through Old Town Montreal we headed to my friend's house for dinner and then back to the RV park.

I really wanted to take some pictures but between the rain and haze, it would not have been worthwhile. We now have another reason to come back here sooner.

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